Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Does drinking protein build you smaller amount sore?

Does drinking protein build you smaller amount sore?
Soreness after a workout comes from micro tears in the muscles. Protein can't hasten the recuperative process, rest is the only cure. See the connect below.
nope nothing you can do more or less that. just rest your muscles groups fully earlier you work them out again 2-3 days.
No. The purpose of taking proteins after a workout is to repair muscles fibers that you tear during a workout. Muscle soreness is due to lactic sharp. Allowing proper rest
between workouts can reduce soreness. Be sure not to work duplicate muscle groups for consecutive days, allow rest between them.
Whenever I lift, I drink the protein shakes that GNC sell. They also have amino sharp supplements in them. I own found that when I drink that, I recover surrounded by about 1 afternoon, compared to two days without it. I also get through a lot of chicken and fish, so my diet is pretty soaring in protein. Make sure you drink a LOT of river also, as that helps the repossession.

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